Life More Abundantly

Rev. Darlene C.A. Franklin, MSW

Detroit, MI


“I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly” are words that have kept me engaged and determined to impact every person that crosses my path. I am an ordained minister of the Gospel, a licensed therapist with a master’s degree in social work, and a certified ATMANA Intuitive Life Coach, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona. This colorful mix of studies and experiences have afforded me the opportunity to come in contact with people with various forms of need. But all have been in need of something deeper than their current experiences suggested.

The clients that I began to see during the COVID-19 pandemic were facing a life of chaos.  Many had lost their jobs and health insurance, and the rest were worried they would.  They were forced to stay home and be with themselves for the first time in years…or worse, forced to stay at home with significant others they discovered they didn’t really like.  Though many espoused a religion, they were at a loss as to how their beliefs could help them. They couldn’t find God. Not “out there,” and certainly not within themselves. They were dependent solely on external sources for their wellbeing and happiness. They were stuck in the chaos of panic and fear with seemingly nowhere to turn. They had no sense of purpose. They were experiencing a spiritual disconnect.

After spending time with hundreds of clients in my practice, I came to realize that the pandemic did not actually cause the spiritual disconnect that I was observing. It uncovered it. Having spent so much time on autopilot, my clients had not stopped to observe their thoughts and beliefs. Now they were forced to. After taking the time to listen to them pour out their fears, I would first ask, “Who are you?” Most answered that question with a statement of their professional title. When I would repeat the question, I would be met with an expression of bewilderment. They were unable to define themselves.

This was the inspiration that led my spouse and me to create Soul-Full Purpose, a coaching practice that is very deliberate in helping people find the answers to life transformation within themselves.  Since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic, my practice has focused on holding space for the expression of the doubts and fears that became rooted in the psyches of my clients. But they needed more than space. They needed to find themselves. They needed to be able to not only view but grab ahold of the God within them. Once they took that leap…they soared. They found a new confidence. They re-ignited talents they thought were lost. They began to imagine new possibilities. Is this not what spiritual leaders are called to do? To “set the captives free”? Bondage can take many forms, but spiritual bondage has the most devastating impact. I am honored to help people find keys to the shackles.


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