LGBTQ Liberated Thought

We asked various thought leaders to scribe open letters for this Spirit+Spirituality issue. On any topic, but free to speak from their hearts, souls and respective ministries, these are the words of voices from across the country and from across the face of LGBTQ Liberated Thought!


She/They Walked So I Could Run!

Senior Bishop Jacqueline D. Holland

Unity Fellowship Church Movement, Inc.


Spiritual Wellness begins with knowing, embracing and tapping into the power of who you innately are. When you realize the stock you come from, the divine entity that shaped and formed you, feeling the ancestors who whispered greatness into your very being, that is spiritual power.

Spirituality can provide you with tools which will carry you through the most challenging time. Even when the physical body or mind is experiencing disease, our spirit remains whole, vibrant and intact.

Drawing from that which is within rather than outside sources can give you the strength to stand against all negative forces. That is the foundation on which any new theological, religious, or spiritual information can build upon.

Too often, we think spiritual prowess requires us to start from what is new and different–the latest religious jargon, the “seemingly” deepest theological discourse. I believe the most inspiring, healing and profound truths are some of the most ancient and simple thoughts or revelations.

I will always give honor to the Divine spirit which sustains me. The Divine who is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. Additionally, I honor my ancestral matriarchs whose shoulders I stand on. My Mother, Minister Gladys Lawrence born 1935, who was the daughter of Rosa Crim born 1918, who was the daughter of Anna Huggins born 1889, who was the daughter of Martha Potter born 1861. It is their courage, determination to raise children to be great when society deemed them less than human, the fortitude to survive during some extremely harsh circumstances that is part of my DNA! I am the manifestation of their prayers, their hopes, their dreams. They survived so that I could thrive.

Audre Lorde, Pauli Marshal, Lorraine Hansbury, Alice Walker, Delores Williams, some of the She-roes whose phenomenal groundbreaking work gave me words which articulated, identified the essence of who I would become. Standing on the shoulders of great women, infuses my soul with the courage to unapologetically be a proud African American masculine of center lesbian. She/They are manifestations of the Divine in me.

Knowing that my ancestors, my She-roes rose above the sexism, homophobia, misogyny, racism and hate, fortifies me with the knowledge that I was “Built for such a time as this.” Groomed to be a spiritual warrior who must share the stories of how they made it through.  Our divine assignment, Beloved Community, is to tap into the spiritual superpowers that make us great. Knowing who you are irrespective of what you have been called or who has counted you out is half the battle. Don’t wait for the miracle, the gift to appear. Affirm that you ARE, the miracle. Authentic living, loving is greatness. We are living in an extraordinary time. Therefore, extraordinary measures are required to stand, to create a vibration of collective radical love and positive change.

Remember, as you are seeking to be better, more powerful, eloquent, and great, focus your attention inward. There you will find your spiritual power.

Peace And Blessings






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