By Tony Nelson (A.K.A. Ms. WTF?)


In the world of Drag entertainment, many people seemingly craft a stage persona out of sheer imagination and will to perform. But, few can say they helped start an entire genre. This month, we shine our SPOTLIGHT on the artist who introduced us to the world of mustaches and make-up over 20 years ago and today leads an army of bearded beauties from the drag stage to Hip Hop music.  Reigning from her Chicago throne, her influence is ever-present and constantly evolving. Imitated but never duplicated. My alter, Ms. WTF? and I are pleased to introduce to some and present to others – the Architect; the Innovator, the TRAILBLAZER: MZ. RUFF N’ STUFF.

Ms. WTF?:  Sista, I am so happy you are here with us today! We have a lot to chop up.

Ruff N’ Stuff: Me too! I got my pocket knife ready; let’s get to dicing.

Tony Nelson:  Hello Ruffy, well, let’s jump into it. Besides Chicago, tell us what is your favorite city to perform, and Why?

RNS:     Hands down, Miami! There are so many beautiful people, and the love and support they show is everything. I hosted the Sizzle event there a few years ago and had a ball.

WTF:    I spoke with my grandbaby Jasmine Blue recently. She performed at that event and said, you were a hoot. I was supposed to be there, but I got arrested at the airport for indecent exposure. Soon as I got off the plane, I went into the bathroom, and I put on my thong and lil’ Debbie heels. They weren’t feeling it.

RNS:     Bish, I guess you got carried away, literally.

TN:       Ruff, your persona is ICONIC. How do you feel about the sudden popularity of drag entertainers with facial hair and make-up?  What advice would you give the next generation of bearded beauties?

RNS:     I am very supportive of all levels of drag. I tell folks who are breaking into the business to be daring, captivating, entertaining, and not lose what is essential to them.

WTF:    It’s also crucial for them to wash their asses before they hit that stage. Oh, and them costumes and pantyhose too! Ain’t nothing worse than a sour ho reaching for a tip.

RNS:     HA!!! Bucking to, “I Can’t Get No Man.”  I BET YOU CAN’T! LOL!

TN:       And we digress.  I see you as the Little Richard of this genre. Who or what inspired the creation of Ruff N’ Stuff, and how has she evolved over the years?

RNS:     Honestly, when I started, it was all about being silly. There was a show without a host, so I got on stage and cut up.  The rest is history. As the years have gone by, Ruffy has grown into a full-on GLAMAZON.  I stepped up my drag by investing more money into my make-up, hair, and costumes.  I became a presence on social media and embraced the value of self-promotion.

WTF:    As The Little Richard of the genre, do you ever want to tell someone to SHUT UP?

RNS:     Absolutely, right now.  LOL, just kidding.

TN:       My sentiments exactly. Anyhoo. How long have you been entertaining? Are there any plans to retire?

RNS:     I have been in the game since the ’90s.  I don’t plan to retire anytime soon; then again, I know I am not getting any younger.

TN:       What would be the theme song that describes your day today, and is that a reflection of Ruff or the private person your fans don’t get to see.

RNS:     “I’m Here” by Fantasia. That is a reflection of the private me. I was born in the early ’60s. I have seen many dear friends depart this world and know my number will come up one day. At that time, I won’t have the luxury of a cancelation. So I am telling the world that right now, I’m here!

WTF:     When my number comes up, my song will be Jennifer Hudson’s “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going.”  I know it’s a waste of time, but I like a little drama. My current song is a little-known ditty called “Everybody’s F*&%*#@ But Me.” It’s unfortunate but true.

TN:       What fictional character would be the most exciting to meet in real life?

RNS:     Diana Ross, that’s my baby

WTF:    Girl, she ain’t fictional

RNS:     In my mind, she is. Nobody can be that fierce in real life.

WTF:    WERK,  Heather Headley.

TN:       Ruff, what are your favorite things about drag?

RNS:     I love anything OLD SCHOOL. I love headdresses and costumes. Entertainers like Patti Labelle, Grace Jones, Cher, Elton John wrapped in a boa are the very essence of drag for me. Watching and listening to these artists gets my creative juices flowing. I love glamour and I love the thrill of planning my next move.

WTF:    Listening to my neighbors through the walls after midnight gets my juices flowing, but nobody asked me. 

TN:       What is your favorite song to perform?

RNS:     I have so many. I can’t name one—anything by Toni Braxton, Celine Dion, or Tina Turner I love.

TN:       So, what entertainer would you rate a PERFECT 10

RNS:     You already know. DIANA ROSS. She is everything.

TN:       Gay Culture is rapidly evolving. Through social media and technology, we now have many LGBTQ artist who have reached mainstream audiences like Joanne The Scammer, Lil Nas X, and TS Madison. I see your stamp on all of them. Do you think your influence has helped shape the current scene, and what are your plans to stay involved as it continues to progress?

RNS:     I agree, social media is a game-changer. It has good and evil, though. Good that people can get their careers started and be successful. Bad that they can send the wrong messages and hurt others in the process. As for me, I will continue to do what I do, which is STAY CONSISTENT. I have a lot more in me. I ain’t going nowhere. I do think I have helped shape the scene but, I think we all have.

WTF:    Ok, sis. I know you from New York but, you have been in Chicago for a long time. Which city has the best PIZZA?

RNS:     OMG! You would ask that question. That is not fair!  I was born in New York, but Chicago has good pizza too!




















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